
What we do:

Design culturally responsive evaluations & programs

I work with multidisciplinary teams to co-create SOCIALLY INCLUSIVE AND HIGHLY PARTICIPATORY program needs assessments and evaluation approaches.

STRONG EVALUATION DESIGNS involve representatives of all key stakeholder groups in some portion of evaluation planning activities. Specific steps, methods, measurements, and outputs will depend on that input, together with the availability of resources (existing data, staff availability and capacities, funding, etc.). The planning process and resulting design will follow ethical and quality standards of the American Evaluation Association’s “Guiding Principles for Evaluators”.

Implement participatory & empowerment evaluations

Evidence shows that meaningful stakeholder engagement as members of leadership/advisory panels and evaluation teams can contribute rich programmatic insights. As a facilitator, I provide:

EVALUATION CAPACITY BUILDING with collaborating staff, clients, and other partners to elevate the skills and voices of those most central to the social program(s) involved;

QUALITATIVE METHODS - MY SPECIALTY - to add depth to early exploratory research, embedded quan-qual research designs, and later-stage interviews and focus groups designed to fill information gaps. Together we increase understanding of the “why” behind quantitative findings, and thereby better tell the program and customer story.

Communicate with donors, partners & the public

Engaged science writing and storytelling tasks include:

EARLY ENGAGMENT SERVICES – I recommend this step as an opportunity to connect with the commissioner of the evaluation and evaluation team members to clearly understand the intended audience(s) for evaluation results and communications and to clarify eventual manuscript contents;

ENGAGING, USER-FRIENDLY PRODUCTS – Results summaries, policy papers, blog posts and other online formats, infographics, posters, as well as traditional and not-so traditional reports…each designed for easy understanding and retention.

Contracting Process

1. We begin with a listening session, when I learn from you the exact nature of the services and/or products needed, along with inputs available. I then step back to consider listening session results, review key organization documents provided, and reflect on organization readiness and the match with my skills set.

2. If we both/all elect to move forward, together we identify a “best fit” approach based on activity objectives and existing assets.  We then negotiate a corresponding scope of work, including:

  • activity purpose

  • specific tasks and associated time allocations and timeline

  • deliverables

  • daily rate and costs covered

  • specific support provided by the customer organization(s)

3. Continued interaction with customer and related stakeholders will be essential throughout task implementation, review of draft product, and planning for final product use.


Sliding Scale (self-selected)*

Access Level:  For organizations implementing or funding social justice initiatives, led and staffed by representatives of the population(s) served, and with annual operating budgets no greater than $750,000 -- This rate does not include indirect costs and is thus funded partly by our organizational budget and partly by our Redistribution Level clients (see below).

Full Cost Level:  For organizations implementing or funding social programs and with annual operating budgets greater than $750,000 and no greater than $7,500,000 -- This rate reflects the incorporation of both our standard hourly rates and the full indirect costs of running a business.

Redistribution Level: For organizations implementing or funding social programs and with annual operating budgets greater than $7,500,000 - This rate allows for revenue generated beyond the full cost of evaluation tasks to be reallocated to future Access Level clients by covering, at least in part, their indirect costs.  If/when a revenue surplus becomes available, then grants for pro bono services may be offered to Access Level clients.

*This sliding scale was developed through learning and inspiration offered by ONEplace@kpl, AORTA, and AS Community Consulting